Our work
The main mission of our office is to protect whistleblowers who want to draw attention to unfair practices at work. The law gives us competence in this respect:
violations of the law, i.e. criminal offences or administrative offences of which the whistleblowers have become aware in connection with their work.
from termination of employment or other retaliation thatthey could face for their report.
Control Employers
and their compliance with the Whistleblower Protection Act. That means, whether they have internal whistleblowing systems in place, review internal reports in accordance with the law and do not retaliate against their whistleblowing employees.
& Educate
the rights and obligations of employers under the law. We develop educational publications, methodological guidelines and train them in the given agenda for the so-called responsible persons who fulfil the employer's tasks under the law.
Receiving and reviewing reports
If, in the course of your work, you have encountered illegal activity that threatens the public interest, you can report it to us.
Reporting illegal activities benefits us all. It helps to prevent the waste of public resources and, in some cases, even to save lives.
Whistleblower Protection
Our main mission is to protect whistleblowers who want to report an unfair practice they have encountered in the course of their work. We can protect them from employer retaliation for making a report, both preventively and consequently, if it has already occurred.
Advising employers
One of our competences is the control of employers, whether and how they comply with the obligations arising from Act No. 54/2019 Coll. on the Protection of Whistleblowers of Anti-Social Activity.