Inspection process
Background information on inspection
The Whistleblower Protection Office (hereinafter referred to as "the Office"), as part of its control activities, controls the application of Act No. 54/2019 Coll. on the Protection of Whistleblowers of Anti-Social Activities and on Amendments and Supplements to Certain Acts (hereinafter referred to as "the Act on the Protection of Whistleblowers"). At the same time, the basic rules of the control activity laid down in the provisions of § 8 to 13 of Act No 10/1996 Coll. on Control in State Administration.Under the Whistleblower Protection Act, an inspection may focus on:
- compliance with the provisions on the provision of protection and the exercise of protection,
- the manner in which the employer or the person concerned behaved towards the whistleblower at the time after the report was made,
- compliance with the provisions of the internal system for reviewing reports.
Beginning of the inspection
An inspection shall commence on receipt of a written notice of the commencement of the inspectionAn inspection shall commence on receipt of a written notice of the commencement of the inspection which, in addition to the general particulars, shall include the date and place of the inspection, its subject matter, purpose and objective. The date of the inspection shall be communicated to the inspected entity in sufficient time to enable it to provide adequate cooperation (e.g. ensuring the presence of the statutory body, authorised representative, internal documents, access to the workplace, PC, etc.).
The purpose of the inspection is mainly to verify the fulfilment of the obligations laid down in the Whistleblower Protection Act, the functionality of internal documents and the system for verifying reports of the inspected entity. The notification of the commencement of the inspection shall be accompanied by a written authorisation to carry out the inspection. In addition to the general requirements, the mandate shall also contain information on the composition of the inspection team, the designation of its head and members.
The execution of the inspection may be carried out in two ways, always in such a way as to ensure that its purpose is safeguarded:
(a) On-site inspection,
(b) Remote inspection
On-site inspection process
At the beginning of the inspection, the head of the inspection team conducts an interview with a representative of the inspected entity, to whom he explains the course of the inspection. In the form of an interview, the representative of the inspected entity is usually requested to make relevant statements concerning the subject of the inspection, which are recorded in the interim report.The interim report, signed by the members of the inspection team and the representatives of the inspected entity, shall be drawn up in two copies, one of which shall remain at the disposal of the inspected entity. If the inspected entity requests more than one copy, this shall be pointed out to the inspection team when signing the interim report.
Remote inspection process
Together with the notification of the commencement of the inspection, the Office also delivers in this case the authorisation to carry out the inspection and the invitation to submit the documents and statements necessary for the performance of the inspection. For the delivery of these documents, the WPO primarily uses electronic means of communication.
The following methods, techniques and other procedures for obtaining information shall be used in carrying out the inspection:
- study of documents and papers,
- interviews with relevant staff of the inspected entity,
- analysis of the data contained in the documents provided.
Output of the inspection
Once the inspection has been completed and the relevant documents and statements have been obtained, the inspection team prepares an objective output from the inspection, which may take the form of an inspection report or an inspection record, depending on the results of the inspection..
The Office shall proceed to the preparation of an inspection record if the result of the inspection states that no violation of the Act on the Protection of Whistleblowers of Anti-Social Activities has occurred or has been detected. The signing of the inspection record by the members of the inspection team shall be the final conclusion of the inspection.
The Office shall proceed to the preparation of an inspection record where the inspection team, based on the results of the inspection, indicates a breach of the Act. The protocol shall be delivered to the inspected entity, which may object to the inspection findings within the time limit set by the inspection team (as a rule 5 working days).
Completion of inspection and further action
The hearing of the Protocol shall take place at the headquarters of the Office for the Protection of Whistleblowers at 29 Námestie slobody, 811 06 Bratislava. Minute-book shall be drawn up of the discussion of the protocol, including any amendments thereto ..
The Authority may impose a fine of up to EUR 30 000 for failure to comply with corrective measures pursuant to Section 19(1)(a) and (b) of the Whistleblower Protection Act ..
After signing the minute-book of the discussion of the protocol (or after refusal to sign it), the result of the inspection, together with the necessary documents for issuing a decision, is immediately forwarded to the Department of Administrative Procedures and Methodology, which may initiate administrative proceedings against the audited entity with regard to the imposition of a fine pursuant to Section 19(2) of the Whistleblowers' Protection Act of up to €50,000 and pursuant to Section 19(3) of the Whistleblowers' Protection Act of up to €100,000.