Internal reporting systems
Every private employer with 50 or more employees must have an internal whistleblowing system. For the public sector, this applies from 5 employees onwards.
V prípade zamestnávateľov v oblasti dopravy, životného prostredia a finančných služieb to platí bez ohľadu na počet zamestnancov.
These employers must therefore have:
- a officer responsible who receives and reviews internal reports,
- designated channels through which staff can make internal reports,
- a directive setting out the rules for submitting and verifying reports, taking corrective action and protecting whistleblowers.
If you don't know how to set up and operate your internal mechanisms so that they are functional and efficient, read the training materials we have prepared for you.
Úrad na ochranu oznamovateľov buduje databázu zodpovedných osôb najmä pre účely ich vzdelávania, ktoré má zo zákona na starosti. Nahláste nám, kto vo vašej organizácii plní funkciu zodpovednej osoby v zmysle zákona č. 54/2019 Z. z..