I want to make a report

    If you have discovered a violation of the law in the course of your work - either a crime or an administrative offence - there are several ways to report it.

    Internally - to your employer

    Externally - WPO and competent authorities

    Internally - to your employer

    Every employer with 50 or more employees (in the public sphere from 5 employees) is legally required to have an internal whistleblowing system. This means that it has designated channels through which a report can be made safely and a responsible person who will then check it. There must also be an internal document setting out the rules for reporting and screening.

    We recommend you use the internal reporting channel if you trust it and do not fear retaliation. You can also use the internal channel anonymously if your employer allows it, which you can find in your internal policies.

    Externally - Whistleblower Protection Office and the competent authorities

    Whistleblower Protection Office can be your first point of contact if you are not sure if you have come across something illegal, but also if you have already decided to report it.

    We will advise you on what evidence is appropriate to submit and be your navigator throughout the process of filing a criminal or administrative offence report. If you are concerned for your safety, we can forward the report to the relevant investigative authorities, without mentioning your name, under our cover. Alternatively, you can also report to us anonymously.

    If you need advice about your situation before making a report, please contact us.
    For basic information, please call our toll-free helpline 0800 221 213.

    Time availability of the free helpline:

    Monday: 13:00 — 16:00
    Tuesday: 9:00 — 12:00
    Wednesday: 13:00 — 16:00
    Thursday: 9:00 — 12:00

    You can make the report:


    Fill in our questionnaire that allows you to describe any illegal activity you have encountered at work that you want to report. We treat all information as confidential and do not share it with any other parties without your consent.

    By post / in person to the registry office at: 


    Námestie slobody 29
    811 06 Bratislava


    Time availability of the registry office:


    Monday: 8:00 — 12:00
    Wednesday: 12:00 — 16:00
    Friday: 8:00 — 12:00

    Tel. number of the registry office: 0948 935 239

    You can also file a notification with the public prosecutor's office (criminal offences), an administrative authority (administrative offences) or the relevant European Union institution, depending on what the notification concerns. These institutions have the power to investigate your report and then prosecute the offender. They also have the power to grant the whistleblower protected whistleblower status if they consider the report to be qualified.

    Is your case different or are you not sure where to apply? In that case, continue to the subpage below: