Where can you refer reports that fall outside our authority?

    Criminal offences

    A criminal offence is the most serious violation of legally protected interests. These interests include life, health, human dignity, property and the state. If you are aware that a crime has taken place and you have not become aware of this serious violation of the law in the course of your work, contact the police or the public prosecutor's office directly. If you have witnessed a crime, call 158.

    Inaction by public authorities and delays in proceedings

    You can turn to the Public Defender of Rights if there is inaction by public authorities, unnecessary court delays or, for example, non-payment of various financial allowances.

    Poor working environment and treatment of employees

    If your employer does not ensure the conditions to which you are entitled under the labour law, the Labour Inspectorate can resolve this. Typically, we can mention non-compliance with the stipulations of the Labour Code or regulations on safety at work.


    If you face discrimination, mobbing, bossing or bullying at work, the Slovak National Centre for Human Rights can help you. In these cases, you can also defend yourself under the Anti-Discrimination Act, which a lawyer can help you with.

    Private dispute

    If you are looking for someone to represent you in court or to write a lawsuit for you, find a lawyer. Private disputes, such as neighbor or business disputes, are not within our competency.

    Complaints that relate to findings in your municipality or self-governing region

    Každá samospráva – obec či vyšší územný celok má svojho hlavného kontrolóra. Ak ako občan máte vedomosť o nezákonnom alebo nehospodárnom nakladaní s majetkom samosprávy alebo nedodržiavaní zákona zástupcami samospráv smerujte tento podnet na hlavného kontrolóra. Ako príklad je možné uviesť sťažnosti na obec, ak jej zástupcovia, napríklad starostovia či riaditelia škôl, nedodržiavajú predpisy, nehospodárne nakladajú s majetkom alebo sú v konflikte záujmov.